Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Two Big Ones

Everyone has been asking me one big question: "How are you feeling?" People want to know if I am NERVOUS (I get the feeling THEY are nervous for ME) or if I'm EXCITED (I get the feeling THEY are excited for ME). I feel like those are the two big ones. The two big emotions that people assume that you are feeling right before you are about to make a major change in your life. Or rather, Jesus is about to flip your whole life upside down...and you agreed to it.
So, I thought I would take this oppurtunity to answer that question. The answer is (drum roll please) YESSSS!!!! I am excited. I am nervous. I feel catious. I feel happy. I feel unbelievable joy. I feel confident. I feel apprehensive. I feel like "Can I just GO already?!!!". I feel like my futrue is secure. I know that I have NO idea what my future holds...but I do know WHO holds my future and that gives me PEACE. Peace that surpasses all understanding. Because my Jesus, my King, my Lover, and my Friend is going WITH me. And not only that but He is already over there working in the lives of the Burkinabe'. I am just an instrument in His hand. Use me Jesus! Use me in whatever way you will.
I talked at youth group on Wednesday night about waiting on the Lord. I think I'm going to be doing alot of that in Burkina...and that is ok with me.
Tomorrow is my last day in COMO...I hope its not raining (its supposed to thunderstorm tonight...I LOVE thunderstorms :) ) so that I can lay out..I know, I know..its bad for your skin. But I'm getting ready to live in Africa....There's not enough sunscreen in the world to protect you from the sun over there.
My family is driving to STL on Saturday were I will go to lunch with my cousins for the last time and then the four members of my family are headed to a Cardinals game!! woohoo!!! Sunday morning will be "Father's Day" because neither my brother or I will be here for it. (my poor dad! If you see him on June 17 give him big hugs and tell him what an amazing father he is..its the truth!) And then we will head for the airport. My flight takes off at 120 pm. Ill have a three hour layover in Atlanta and then Ill leave for Paris. Ill have a five hour layover and then leave for Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. I should arrive in Ouaga around 740 Monday night (Burkina time. It will be 140 pm here) Those are the travel plans!
Soon my posts should get much more exciting as I am able to talk about the kids and tell funny stories and tell serious stories about what Jesus is doing.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Ealey said...

Wow... exciting!!! You are traveling even now!!! This will be the time of your life... it will be hard, fun, amazing. I love it! I'm so excited for you. I remember that before I left, I basically told God that I'll do whatever... but I wont' do ANYTHING without HIM!!! Amen! He is with YOU. He is going to do amazing things IN you and THROUGH you!!! Yeah! I just love HIM! :)